Jain Turbo Top® HD, PC & PCAS |
Features and Specifications
- Integral, Flat, Pressure Compensating Dripline Available with two options, - Basic Pressure Compensating (PC), Orange, - Pressure Compensating Anti-Siphon (PCAS),Blue
- Three Dimensional Inlet Filter Multiple channel 3-D water inlet for operation under heavy dirt load.
- Precision Pressure Compensation Injection moulded silicone diaphragm ensures precision in pressure compensation helps to maintain high discharge uniformity.
- Raised Water Inlet Raised water inlet takes the water from high velocity, dirt free region of the tubing.
- Manufactured with Most Modern, State-Of-the-Art Equipment.
It´s computerised continuous online quality control monitors emitter spacing and precision in outlet drilling. Thus ensures reliable quality and consistent performance.
- Innovative Cascade Labyrinth Cascade labyrinth gives strong, self
cleaning turbulence. Hydrodynamic dripper design ensures continuous flushing of sediments and small dirt particles.
- Protection from Root Intrusion and Sand Suction Deep weir outlet structure prevents root intrusion and sand suction.
- Dynamic Self Cleaning Mechanism Dynamic movement of diaphragm flushes of debris.
- Energy Efficient Dripline Streamlined and shallow depth of emitter causes low pressure loss as compared to other similar products in the industry.
- Flexibility in color selection Black - for agriculture, Brown - for landscape application, White - for greenhouse application, Purple - for reclaimed water application.